Project: Mass Linkers

Mass Linkers is a powerful Desktop application tool that provides a centralised platform for Computer Science (CS) students to find study support from batchmates with common modules. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Enhancement: Upgrade help window

  • What it does: Shows a brief summary of commands with their syntax and a link to the user guide. Opens the user guide directly in the browser with a single button click.
  • Justification: It provides flexibility for students to choose between shortcuts or the long detailed user guide based on their needs.
  • Highlights: Updated the user guide link, added a command summary, replaced the original Copy URL button with an Open User Guide button in HelpWindow. Updated the .fxml file of HelpWindow to reflect design changes. (Pull request #60)

New Feature: Mark module as taken

  • What it does: Marks the specified module(s) of a batchmate as taken, with the flexibility of marking one or multiple modules in a single command.
  • Justification: It is a crucial core feature to track batchmates’ module status.
  • Highlights: Modified ModCommandParser and implemented ModMarkCommand to parse and handle the marking of module(s). Modified Mod and Student to include new methods to facilitate the marking of module(s). Wrote tests in ModMarkCommandTest and ModCommandParserTest for mod mark and mod delete. (Pull request #85)

New Feature: Unmark module as not taken

  • What it does: Unmarks the specified module(s) of a batchmate and updates the status as taking (i.e. currently taking), with the flexibility of unmarking one or multiple modules in a single command.
  • Justification: It allows students to rectify mistakes made in recording the module status of a batchmate.
  • Highlights: Modified ModCommandParser and implemented ModUnmarkCommand to parse and handle the unmarking of module(s). Modified Mod and Student to include new methods to facilitate the unmarking of module(s). Wrote tests in ModUnmarkCommandTest and ModCommandParserTest for mod unmark. (Pull request #96)

New Feature: Mark all modules as taken

  • What it does: Marks all modules of every batchmate as taken.
  • Justification: It is useful for updating the module status of all modules of every batchmate as taken after each semester.
  • Highlights: Modified ModCommandParser and implemented ModMarkAllCommand to parse and handle the marking of all modules of every batchmate. Modified Student to include a new method to facilitate the marking of all modules. Wrote tests in ModMarkAllCommandTest for mod mark all. (Pull request #145, #147, #148, #152)

Project management

  • Added issues for the team on GitHub.
  • Facilitated the workflow on Git.



  • Reviewed and approved other teammates’ PRs.
  • Contributed in weekly team meeting.
  • Submitted bugs and feedback for ArtBuddy, another team in the module.


  • JavaFX: Platform which Mass Linkers’ help window uses
  • PlantUML: Software to create UML diagrams
  • Git workflow