Project: Mass Linkers

Mass Linkers is a powerful Desktop application tool that provides a centralised platform for Computer Science (CS) students to find study support from batchmates with common modules. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Feature: Find Interest

  • What it does: Allows students to find others by their interests.
  • Justification: Provides a way for students find others with the same interests as them.
  • Highlights:
    • Implemented StudentContainsInterestPredicate to test if the entered interests can be found in a student’s interest.
    • Implemented FindInterestCommand which handles the testing of the predicate on every student.
    • Implemented FindInterestCommandParser to parse findInt command arguments.
    • Wrote tests for FindInterestCommandTest.

New Feature: Delete Interest

  • What it does: Allows students to delete interests from a specified student.
  • Justification: It is an easier alternative to editing the set of interests instead.
  • Highlights:
    • Implemented DeleteInterestCommand which handles the deletion of the entered interests.
    • Implemented DeleteInterestCommandParser to parse deleteInt command arguments.
    • Wrote tests for DeleteInterestCommandTest.

New Feature: Delete Mod

  • What it does: Allows students to delete modules from a specified student.
  • Justification: Allows students to remove erroneous entries from their list of modules.
  • Highlights:
    • Implemented ModDeleteCommand which handles the deletion of the entered modules.
    • Wrote tests for ModDeleteCommandTest.

New Feature: Input checking for phone numbers

  • What it does: Warns the student if the entered phone number is of an incorrect format.
  • Justification: Alerts the student if they have typed it wrong by accident, rather than blocking it outright.
  • Highlights:
    • Used regex to handle the checking.
    • Added a warning when an incorrect format is entered.
    • Wrote tests to PhoneTest.

Project management:

  • Review and approve PRs on Github.
  • Published v1.3.trial and the initial v1.3.1 releases.

Enhancements to existing features:

  • Improved phone input checking.
  • Refactored tag to interest.


  • User Guide:
    • Added the findInt, deleteInt and mod delete sections.
    • Worked on the Parameter Requirements section.
    • Proofread user guide for bugs.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Designed sequence diagram and activity diagram for the command findInt.
    • Updated Product Scope, Value Proposition, User Stories as well as some use cases.
    • Worked on NFR section.
    • Proofread developer guide for bugs.


  • Reviewed and approved PRs on Github.
  • Contributed in weekly team meeting.
  • Reported bugs for team Waddle, another team in this module.


  • PlantUML: Software to create UML diagrams
  • Git workflow