Project: Mass Linkers

Mass Linkers is a powerful Desktop application tool that provides a centralised platform for Computer Science (CS) students to find study support from batchmates with common modules. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Feature: Add modules to a batchmate

  • What it does: Add modules inputted by the user to a batchmate.
  • Justification: It is a crucial core feature.
  • Highlights:
    • Add a ModCommandParser class to parse all mod commands, an abstract class ModCommand and a class ModAddCommand that extends ModCommand.
    • Modify the add command to also accept mods with the prefix m/.
    • Modify the edit command to throw an exception when a user attempts to edit the mods.
    • Add and update tests.

New Feature: Module Categorisation

  • What it does: Categorises a mod using the first 2 characters of the module name.
  • Justification: It allows users to quickly identify the type of mod when looking at the mod panel.
  • Highlights:
    • Add a method to categorise mods in ParserUtil.
    • Wrote tests for mod categorisation in ParserUtil.

New Enhancement: Sorting of modules

  • What it does: Sorts mods by their completion (taking in front) and then by their modName in lexicographic order.
  • Justification: Bring greater convenience for the user when looking for mods via the mod panel.
  • Highlights:
    • Add a new ModComparator class to compare 2 mods.
    • Change Person to return a SortedList.
    • Add tests for ModComparator.

New Enhancement: Input validation for GitHub and Telegram fields

  • What it does: Ensure that the GitHub username and Telegram handle provided by the user is valid.
  • Justification: Having an invalid GitHub username or Telegram handle would result in the user not being able to contact that person.
  • Highlights:
    • Used regex to check for input validity for GitHub and Telegram.
    • Edit warning message for invalid input.
    • Add tests to isValidGitHub and isValidTelegram.

Project management:

  • Added several issues for the team on GitHub.
  • Set up Codecov in team repository.
  • Update release of v1.3.1.


  • User Guide:
    • Worked on Module Categorisation section.
    • Proofread user guide for bugs.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Worked on Instructions on Manual Testing section.
    • Design diagrams and writeup for Mod Categorisation.
    • Worked on NFR section.
    • Proofread developer guide for bugs.


  • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #64, #100, #141
  • Contributed in weekly team meeting.
  • Reported bugs and suggestions for team Friendnancial, another team in the module.


  • PlantUML: Software to create UML diagrams
  • Git workflow